Autism:Lego Therapy Storytelling Workshop: New Ross Library "Parenting Today"

Speaker : Caroline Busher.  Caroline is "Reader In residence" for Wexford Library Service.  She works with parents and children in libraries across Co. Wexford to support literacy development in children with all the social and educational benefits that ensue.

This workshop is for children (ages 6-12) with ASD and their families.  The workshop will focus on children's strengths.  LEGO helps children to develop communication skills.It helps them to express themselves and teaches them to share with others.

The group will be small.  This is an inclusive, relaxed event.  parents will receive extra information via email prior to the event so that children feel comfortable and relaxed in the library setting.

Date & Venue : New Ross Library, Saturday 6th April at 2pm.

Booking : This workshop is part of the "Parenting Today" series of talks that have been organised by Wexford CYPSC and the Public Library Service.  All are welcome and there is no booking fee.  However, it is necessary to secure your place with the Library prior to this event.  If special supports are required for those attending, please inform library staff at the time of booking.